7 – Somalisa Camp
After three nights at Kanga camp, I flew (again, as the sole passenger) on a Cessna 206 to Manga airstrip in Hwange National Park
Memo to my assistant Dimitri: I like travelling like this, so please arrange all my future business travel at a minimum in first class, but preferably on a private plane
(After all, I'm going to be 39 only once)
Even on the ride from the airstrip to Somalisa camp, I saw some glorious sable, a member of the deer family not often encountered
Notice how the red-billed oxpecker has come along for the ride, to have (for his lunch) any ticks and fleas that the sable has in its coat
Again, before checking in, I got a welcome from a local elephant
A couple of young males were playing with each other
Yes, I know what you are thinking, but get your mind out of the gutter. They are not gay, just playing around